Teen Brain – Train It Now!

Experience this interactive ‘operator’s manual’ for the teen brain. Youth ages 10-13 will find it fun and engaging. Great parent/child activity. Check out the prize bonus too.

See how much you remember from the Teen Brain lesson! Students take a short quiz after completing the online lesson. Teachers may request the Teen Brain slides for in-person training.

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Norma Norris

Norma Norris is the Executive Director of the nonprofit CANDLE, Inc.. EIN 71-0962470. Mrs. Norris has been a civic leader all her adult life. She and her husband Charles raised their three sons in Butler, PA. In an effort to preserve the integrity of her community, when heroin first appeared in early 2000, Norma created the parent/child drug prevention program called Reality Tour that is now replicated in the U.S. Her talents have progressed as well as her influence in the prevention field.