Reality Tour Directors

Welcome, Tour Directors! Thank you for partnering with Reality Tour, a drug prevention program for the whole community. This is where you can gain access to the Reality Tour Program Model. To help keep Reality Tour consistent and effective in every community, we ask that you fill out the forms below. We’ve also included resources that can help you promote Reality Tour attendance and gain sponsorship.

Tour Management Resources


Event Report

Help us continue to improve the Reality Tour experience. Let us know how your Reality Tour session went

Compliance Form

Are you ready to renew your license? Please confirm that you agree to all program model requirements.

Merchandise Catalog

We have a selection or promotial items and logo gear. To order, contact Norma Norris. 

Covid-19 Resources


Hold Harmless Clause

COVID Toolkit

Program Model Access

You are about to access the trademark and copyright protected documents for Reality Tour. By using the password provided, you agree not to share the Program Model in its entirety. You may electronically share a particular document or select documents with a volunteer only as it pertains to their role.

You understand and agree that the download materials and video training are protected and are for the sole use of the Reality Tour that you represent.

New Locations Only

Reality Tour Program Model Downloads

Existing Locations Only

Reality Tour Model Update