BUTLER, PA – The Reality Tour Parent/Child Drug Prevention Program will be held at North Main St. Church of God, 1201 N .Main St. Ext. in Butler beginning September 25th.
Reality Tour, a project of the nonprofit CANDLE, Inc., helps parents ‘get on the same page’ with their child when it comes to drug prevention. When asked how parents respond, developer Norma Norris states, “One dad said it best when he left declaring, ‘These may have been the most important hours I ever spend with my son.”
Butler School District will advocate attendance to parents and Superintendent Dr. Brian White states, “Drug prevention education for youth and families is very important. We’re happy the Reality Tour is available in our community to share real stories of substance abuse and the devastating impact that even one use can have on families.”
Other Reality Tour sites include the Adams Township Municipal Building site that serves the Mars School District and the Hope Lutheran Church site in Cranberry Twp. to serve Seneca Valley School District. Registration online at RealityTour.org is open to any family regardless of school district.
Prior to Covid over 750 residents attended Reality Tour annually. Norris wants to see that capacity reached again and is adamant that parents and schools not become complacent. She adds, “The CDC shows a 94% increase for drug deaths for youth age 10-19. This is due to fentanyl poisoning encountered in experimental drug use – sometimes with the very first use.”
Ms. Marylou Palmer, on staff at N. Main St. Church of God attended the Reality Tour in the spring to determine if it was a good fit for the church. Her immediate impression was:
“This is such a necessary program for our youth and their parents to educate and equip kids before they’re exposed. Reality Tour starts that process. I’m so glad my daughter and I went, and I’m excited to be able to help bring this to all the youth in Butler.”
Reality Tour replications are in several other states. Most recently the state of Delaware began organizing to establish six sites. Families with children age 10 and up may register online at RealityTour.org. at a fee of $6 per person. Families on the free lunch program may attend for free. Those interested in volunteering may email RealityTour@candleinc.org or phone 724-679-1788.